Belkorp Ag became a Smart Apply dealer because of a customer. Trinchero Family Estates had seen the precision spray and data system at a trade show and wanted it for their vineyard. With the help of Smart Apply technicians, Trinchero and Belkorp trialed the system on 600 acres of Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. On the first spray, they saved over 50% on chemicals. They were sold and so was Belkorp.
Three years later, Trinchero continues to use the Smart Apply System, but has expanded to three systems. And Belkorp has become the go-to dealer for Smart Apply in California’s Central Valley and North Coast with seven locations. While wine grapes are a significant focus—their region includes Lodi, Mendocino, Napa and Sonoma Valley, home to many of the United States’ premium vineyards—Belkorp also supplies other high-value crop (HVC) growers such as almonds and cherries with Smart Apply Systems.
Belkorp President Peter Young says the dealership’s most effective selling tool is field demos. “It’s the easiest way to tell the story. Do one to two passes and growers see the value. The chemical and water savings are a no brainer.”
Belkorp has also beefed up its Precision Ag team, hiring Conner Pate as manager in 2023 who brought strong experience in agriculture. After working with Smart Apply Regional Sales Director Cory Booher on multiple field demos, Pate now runs the show – Smart Apply field demos and special projects – on his own with Booher available for technical support.

At the end of the day, Young says vineyards and other HVC growers want to be profitable and sustainable. That’s where Smart Apply comes in.“Financially, it just makes sense to use Smart Apply. Add in the data collection, the ability to track vineyard and orchard health, and sustainability and it’s an easy decision.”
Smart Apply is proud to be represented by Belkorp Ag and many other respected dealers across North America, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. We will continue to grow our dealer network to help HVC growers optimize crop protection and continue to feed the world in the most efficient, profitable and sustainable way possible. View our dealer network here.